Training & Consulting

Dedicated training & consulting

I occasionally do closed training sessions for companies where people would like to increase their skills with a help of the guy who has a lot of experience (10 years+) in the real life projects and is able to transfer his knowledge to others in a very accessible way.

Areas of expertise

Also in my portfolio

In my portfolio, I have also:

  • Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery managed in code with Jenkins (with Pipeline plugin and/or Job DSL plugin)
  • Functional programming with Java 8+ (including effective code migration to Java 8/11 & Javaslang/Vavr)
  • Migration to modern Java 11+
  • Groovy for Java developers
  • Refactoring to design patterns
  • Spring Framework with Spring Boot
  • developing REST applications (with Spring Boot)

Feel free to contact me directly about detailed training course plan (which can be highly customized):
marcin.zajaczkowski // .

Other training topics

In the situation you are looking for some other kind of training I may recommend you Bottega IT Minds which I am a member of. That organization consolidates a group of experienced and highly skilled trainers offering over hundred of precisely crafted trainings of different areas.


Occasionally, I also conduct internal on-site presentations in companies and speak at the company events. You can take a look at the list of my recent public speeches to familiarize with the topics I could cover.


I have never attended any better training. Highly recommended :)

Kamil P. (TDD for Java developers)

Very useful knowledge which would be hard to grasp in so short time without training.

Olek B. (Code testing for Java developers)

Three days filled up with practical exercises. Condensed knowledge ready to use in real life projects.

Anonymous trainee (Code training for Java developers)

I have never attended any better training. Highly recommended :)

Kamil P. (TDD for Java developers)

Very useful knowledge which would be hard to grasp in so short time without training.

Olek B. (Code testing for Java developers)